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Java and Javascript are same: A common Misconception

It is true that both have a C-like syntax, the C language being their most immediate common ancestor language. They are both object-oriented, typically sandboxed (when used inside a browser), and are widely used in client-side Web applications. In addition, JavaScript was designed with Java’s syntax and standard library in mind. However, the similarities end … Continue reading

Take the Ultimate Intelligence Test

Click here to go straight to the ultimate intelligence test You might think it’s obvious that one person is smarter than another. But there are few more controversial areas of science than the study of intelligence and, in reality, there’s not even agreement among researchers about what this word actually means.

Merging Human Intelligence to Software

TurKit lets programmers combines code with input from an army of online human workers. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service has long provided a cheap source of labor, when the job is simple for humans but difficult for computers. Tasks such as describing a picture, for example, can be completed online by remote, human workers. Programmers already … Continue reading

Gadget Vs Widget

The easiest way to explain it is that a gadget is any widget that is not a widget. Sound confusing? A widget is a piece of reusable code that you can plug into virtually any website. A gadget acts just like a widget, often fulfilling the same purpose, but it is proprietary. It only works … Continue reading

Two-photon optical chip enables more complex quantum computing

[+] Graphic representation of a two-photon quantum walk. (University of Bristol) Scientists from the University of Bristol’s Centre for Quantum Photonics have developed a silicon chip that could be used to perform complex calculations and simulations using quantum particles in the near future. The researchers believe that their device represents a new route to a quantum computer. … Continue reading

A New Kind of Microchip

Source:Technology Review A probability-based processor may speed up flash memory, and eventually much more. A computer chip that performs calculations using probabilities, instead of binary logic, could accelerate everything from online banking systems to the flash memory in smart phones and other gadgets. Probability chip: This computer chip uses signals representing probabilities, not digital bits. … Continue reading

How to Type New Indian Rupee Symbol From Keyboard

Mangalore based Foradian Technologies Pvt Ltd has created a new font, “Rupee_Foradian” that lets you use the new Indian Currency Symbol. Step1:Download the new font. Save it  .ttf file on your desktop. Step2:Now go to the folder ‘C:/Windows/Fonts’ and paste the .ttf file there. in MS office in Step3: Now, open a word file. … Continue reading

Computing at the Speed of Light

The world of computing could change rapidly in coming years thanks to technology that replaces the metal wiring between components with faster, more efficient fiber-optic links. Seeing the light: A chip in the center of this circuit board contains four lasers that convert electrical signals into light pulses. The pulses travel at high speeds along … Continue reading

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